Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio

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A Fun Way to Celebrate Winter's End: Quick Quick Slow's Annual Winter Ball 2018

A Fun Way to Celebrate Winter's End: Quick Quick Slow's Annual Winter Ball 2018

After New Year's bashes and Mardi Gras Galas, you might not want the string of parties to end. However, options are typically limited to Valentine's parties, and if you aren't in a relationship, they can be intimidating. Instead, why not cap off the end of winter by attending a Winter Ball? Where and when is the winter ball, you ask? Well, at Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio, we host an annual winter ball where you can dance the night away, see a few professional and amateur dancing exhibitions, and even be served a delicious, elegant dinner. This year the Annual Winter Ball will be held on February 25, 2018 at the Estate at Farrington Lake which makes this year's bash even more of a must see. With all of these benefits plus an amazing venue, we're sure you don't need any more reasons to join in on the fun, but just in case you aren't sold yet, we've still got a few more "beats" to "swing" your way.

Dressing Up

Who doesn't love getting all spiffed up? If you don't, you should. Putting on those fancy dress clothes not only earns you extra compliments, but also, it's the perfect excuse for a selfie, whether you take one daily or not. Stepping into those extra nice clothes gives you a confidence boost, too, which means you might just talk to someone you wouldn't normally. Who knows, he/she might even be someone who'll be in your life for a long while. 

Night Out without the Fuss

While a night on the town hopping from various bars or clubs has it's own right to memories, a ball is something else entirely. Remember those school dances where you were all shy and mostly a wallflower? Well, here's your chance to redeem yourself, drink a little (since you're now of age), enjoy a wonderful meal, and even be entertained! Think of a ball like a do-over for your teenage self, except better. You don't have to worry about getting a hangover or being too drunk to remember what happened, either. Instead, you'll carry the memory around for years, and if you miss out, you just might be kicking yourself for not attending.

Socialize while Being Entertained 

While joining in on the dancing might not be on your bucket list, you can always watch as professionals and amateurs alike take to the floor to put on a wonderful show. If you like what you see, you could always sign up for ballroom dancing lessons yourself so that next year you aren't as shy about showing off your moves. The best part, though, is getting to meet new people who enjoy a hobby that is both mentally and physically stimulating. People at the Annual Winter Ball are sure to be a friendly crowd, so you're guaranteed to make a friend or two or even meet a potential partner.

No matter what reason you choose for attending the Annual Winter Ball, you're sure to have a blast and even a learn a few new "steps." To purchase tickets contact us; we can even set you up with a few ballroom dancing lessons beforehand to get you in the "swing" of things. What are you waiting for? Pick up your confidence and dust off those dress clothes to take part in a night of fun and food! Hurry, tickets might just "slide" away before you know it.