Prepare for Your First Dance With Wedding Dance Lessons

Newly Weds First Dance Together

Newly Weds First Dance Together

Prepare for Your First Dance With Wedding Dance Lessons

While planning your amazing wedding, don't forget to think about the dancing portion of the reception. If you have two left feet, or just feel uncomfortable dancing in front of others, wedding dance lessons will greatly benefit you. When you and your soul mate step out onto the dance floor and all eyes turn to the two of you, you want to feel confident and prepared. The only way to do that is to practice, practice, practice. 

Pick Music You're Comfortable With

Your first dance will be absolutely magical whether you do an entire choreographed routine or you simply dance without tripping over your feet. The dance is about the two of you, and your love for each other. Dancing lessons simply help you move with grace and feel confident while the entire room watches. You want your first dance to showcase your love and your personalities, so pick a few songs that you really love and bring them to your first lesson, that way you aren't trying to learn a new skill to music you're completely uncomfortable dancing to. 

It's Never to Early to Start

Learning to dance can take time, so you want to get a head start. It's better to be prepared early on than wait until the last minute only to find out that you didn't allow yourself enough time. You don't want the added pressure of a deadline looming over your shoulder. Don't rush yourself. Give yourself the luxury of taking your time and learning at your own pace. You'll be glad you did. 

It's Romantic

Many couples come to classes nervous and worried they won't do well enough, only to find that they really enjoy dancing and have a lot of fun. It's a great way to strengthen your bond, and it's  an exciting new way to add even more romance to your relationship. When you're in each other's arms as you glide gracefully across the floor, looking into each other's eyes, you'll be glad you got the awkward moments out of the way so you can enjoy the sweet, tenderness that comes from dancing cheek to cheek. Plus, once you learn, you have a new date night option. You can carry that skill with you forever, going dancing some nights instead of to dinner and a movie. It's fun to spice things up occasionally. 

Have Fun

At Quick Quick Slow we want to help you learn, but we also want you to enjoy yourselves and have fun. Dancing isn't a chore, it's a fun, exciting, passionate, and romantic experience that should be enjoyed to the fullest. So, even if you're nervous, don't hesitate to contact us. We promise once you start, you'll have so much fun your anxieties will melt away.